Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sisiggy's Alter Ego

Welcome to one of the few nondenominational homemaking blogs on the web. I won’t go into the strange connection there seems to be between care of the home and Christianity, but let it suffice to say I don’t believe you have to be born again to be able to run a household and do it with style.

The fact is that, if you are reading this, you probably have a home of sorts and this blog is for those who prefer to live in the best possible way in that home. Simple as that. This is a blog for the “nester” that all of us have inside to a certain extent, but that seems to be a very large part of me personally.

I also do not believe I am required to go above and beyond basic maintenance or that it is my “role” as a woman to do so. And I certainly don’t believe that my way is the only way. But I also think that too many people are reluctant to give their hearts over to the idea of nesting because Martha Stewart has made it so intimidating (more on that later) or it’s equated with the perceived victimization of women or for whatever reason. So they miss this valuable resource of comfort and creativity.

As the daughter of an Uber-homemaker and a man who saw the value in the ability to create a home, I was trained from toddler-hood how to “keep house,” the goal at that time to raise husband-bait, preferably rich-husband-bait.

I was halfway through childhood at the dawn of the Women’s Movement when somehow creating a home got mixed up with living your life for the sole pleasure of your man. I could always see the difference between the two, but I’m amazed at how many women assume that pleasing your tyrannical husband and spoiled rotten kids is what homemaking is all about.

What I bring to this blog is fifty years of life, a 20-year marriage and the wisdom required to raise two boys successfully. I believe you will find me pretty grounded and not given to flowery, sappy sentiment. There will be no teddy bears for those over the age of 18.

So I hope we become well acquainted with each other. For anyone coming here from Linguini on the Ceiling, this is the softer side of Sisiggy and she’s hoping you accept that, but suspects you knew about it all along.

Oh...the photos are of my own house so you know that I do, in fact, have one and that I'm not a 30-year-old guy living in my parents' basement and writing this in my underwear from atop a mountain of dirty laundry.

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